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2.0.0-alpha.1 (2016-04-05)


  • core: Complete API rewrite


  • 2.x API is no longer compatible with 1.X

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use zetapush-js in a NodeJS Context?

Yes, you have to install ~latest~ (>=3.2.0) version of zetapush-js enable NodeJS support.

const { WeakClient } = require('zetapush-js')
const NodeJSTransports = require('zetapush-cometd/lib/node/Transports')
// Create new ZetaPush Client
const client = new WeakClient({
  transports: NodeJSTransports,
  sandboxId: '<YOUR-SANDBOX-ID>'
// Add connection establised listener
client.onConnectionEstablished(() => {

Can I use zetapush-js with TypeScript?

Yes, since 3.1.2 zetapush-js include typings definition.

How to use ES2015 features (const, class, arrow functions, ...) on my project today ?

ZetaPush source code and examples are written in plain ES2015, you can use Babel to transpile your code

How to subscribe and publish to a ZetaPush service ?

ZetaPush Client provide a function createService({ type, listener })

const client = new ZetaPush.Client({ ... })
// Create a service publisher mapping Stack service
const service = client.createService({
  type: ZetaPush.services.Stack,
  listener: {
    // callback fired when a list message is fired by ZetaPush
    list(message) {
      console.log('list callback', message)
// Request a list
  stack: '<YOUR-STACK-ID>'

How force ZetaPush SDK to use https instead http ?

ZetaPush client allow you to declare a specific apiUrl

const client = new ZetaPush.Client({
  forceHttps: true,
  sandboxId: '<YOUR-SANDBOX-ID>'

How to use ZetaPush with my on-premise backend ?

ZetaPush client allow you to declare a specific apiUrl

const client = new ZetaPush.Client({
  apiUrl: '<YOUR-ON-PREMISE-URL>',
  sandboxId: '<YOUR-SANDBOX-ID>'

How to know my ZetaPush SDK version ?

ZetaPush SDK provide a top level constant VERSION


How to change log level ?

ZetaPush Client provide a function setLogLevel

const client = new ZetaPush.Client({
  sandboxId: '<YOUR-SANDBOX-ID>'

How to force long polling instead of websocket ?

ZetaPush Client provide an option to specify active transports

const client = new ZetaPush.WeakClient({
  sandboxId: 'Y1k3xBDc',
  transports: [ZetaPush.TransportTypes.LONG_POLLING]

How ZetaPush client call my service without explicit deployment id ?

ZetaPush Client provide optional deployment id, according to the following convention ${ServiceType.toLowerCase()_0}

// Create service with implicit service deployment id
const service = client.createService({
  type: ZetaPush.services.Stack,
  listener: {
    list(message) {
      console.log('on stack list', message)
  stack: '<YOUR-STACK-ID>'

In the previous example, deployment id is stack_0

// Create service with explicit service deployment id
const service = client.createService({
  deploymentId: 'stack_0',
  type: ZetaPush.services.Stack,
  listener: {
    list(message) {
      console.log('on stack list', message)
  stack: '<YOUR-STACK-ID>'

Migrating from ZetaPush 1 to 2

ZetaPush 2 is a ground-up rewrite of ZetaPush. This new version of ZetaPush had three basic goals:

  1. Similar API to other language implementations (Java, Swift, ...)
  2. Better maintenance
  3. Full CommonJS support


ZetaPush 1


ZetaPush 2

const client = new ZetaPush.Client({
  sandboxId: '<YOUR-SANDBOX-ID>'


ZetaPush 1

const authent = new zp.authent.Simple('<YOUR-SIMPLE-DEPLOYMENT-ID>')
zp.onHandshake((message) => {    
  console.log('ZetaPush_Hanshake_Successful', message)
zp.onConnected((message) => {
  if (message.successful) {
    console.log('You are connected')
zp.connect(authent.getConnectionData('login', 'password', 'resource'))

ZetaPush 2

const client = new ZetaPush.Client({
  credentials() {
    return ZetaPush.Authentication.simple({
      deploymentId: '<YOUR-SIMPLE-DEPLOYMENT-ID>',
      login: 'login',
      password: 'password'
  resource: 'resource',
  sandboxId: '<YOUR-SANDBOX-ID>'
zp.onSuccessfulHandshake((message) => {
  console.log('ZetaPush_Hanshake_Successful', message)
client.onConnectionEstablished(() => {
  console.log('You are connected')


ZetaPush 1

const service = new zp.service.Generic('<YOUR-STACK-DEPLOYMENT-ID>')
service.onError((message) => {
  console.error('on stack error', message)
service.on('list', (message) => {
  console.log('on stack list', message)
service.send('list', {
  stack: '<YOUR-STACK-ID>'

ZetaPush 2

const service = client.createService({
  deploymentId: '<YOUR-STACK-DEPLOYMENT-ID>'
  type: ZetaPush.services.Stack,
  listener: {
    error(message) {
      console.error('on stack error', message)
    list(message) {
      console.log('on stack list', message)
  stack: '<YOUR-STACK-ID>'

Optional deployment id

ZetaPush 2 provide optional deployment id, according to the following convention ${ServiceType.toLowerCase()_0}

// Create service with implicit service deployment id
const service = client.createService({
  type: ZetaPush.services.Stack,
  listener: {
    list(message) {
      console.log('on stack list', message)
  stack: '<YOUR-STACK-ID>'

In the previous example, deployment id is stack_0

// Create service with explicit service deployment id
const service = client.createService({
  deploymentId: 'stack_0',
  type: ZetaPush.services.Stack,
  listener: {
    list(message) {
      console.log('on stack list', message)
  stack: '<YOUR-STACK-ID>'